Pharmaceutical OSD Powder & Granules Blending
The Matcon Blender is designed to produce superior blend homogeneity, achieving a blend uniformity (BU) that results in top quality tablets & capsules. The blender uses tumble mixing / diffusion mixing that is equivalent to bin or conta blending that is well known within the industry.
The Matcon Blender has a proven track record of effectively blending low API content formulations.
Proof of Mixing
NIR can be added to the blender to deliver PAT analytics that prove blend uniformity and optimize mixing times.
Our test facilities around the world can be used to define the optimum blending parameters and generate equivalency documents to prove capabilities for formulation manufacturing.
Take a look at our case studies to see how we helped customers.
Features at a glance
- Small footprint requiring less clean-room space
- Accommodates a range of IBC sizes on one Blender
- Compatible with NIR blend homogeneity measurement
- Through wall design capability
- High OEE blending rates
- Diffusion or tumble mixing mode
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