Materials Handling Equipment for Bakery Manufacturers
How can you manufacture to meet demand, remain flexible and avoid potential allergen cross-contamination? The need for lengthy clean-down protocols reduces production effectiveness.
for Bakery Manufacturers
This versatile powder and materials handling system for bakery ingredients, such as wheat, flour and starch, is all you need to overcome your dry processing production challenges. By decoupling the processing steps, we enable companies to achieve a flexible and efficient manufacturing system that transfers your bakery ingredients using lean principles and practices.

Mixing challenges for bakery manufacturers
With an increase in allergen awareness, consumer demand has pushed the responsibilities on to manufacturers. Failure to effectively manage allergens in the production process not only impacts reputation and profitability, it ultimately leaves you open to prosecution.
Increasing product variety is difficult to handle on traditional in-line fixed mixer systems due to the need for full clean-down each time recipes are changed.
Make-to-order recipes with shorter lead times can be hard to achieve if the production schedule isn’t flexible which necessitates a need for inventory storage and floor space.
New product lines increasingly contain allergens or are gluten-free which places more demand on equipment hygiene standards.
Improve bakery manufacturers productivity
Our hygienically designed IBC System provides a good ROI on high variety bakery production schedules and facilitate manufacturers to 'make-to-order' rather than run a 'campaign' production process.
In-bin IBC blending eliminates cleaning down-time on recipe changeovers at the mixing stage. The system remains closed at all times as all bakery powders are contained within the IBC, eliminating any risk for cross contamination and offering dust containment for a cleaner environment and operator safety.
Simply and easily switch IBCs in & out of the process without worrying about any allergen cross-contamination.
Handling commercial bakery ingredients
Matcon has years of experience working with bakery sector manufacturers and understand the importance of complying with strict food safety, hygiene and nutritional regulatory standards such as FDA Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG).
We have supplied flexible and efficient Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) Systems to numerous bakery manufacturing companies around the world, making a wide variety of industrial baking mixes that contain ingredients such as wheat, starch, sugar, and flavoured extracts. One such installation includes an IBC system for the high variety low volume lines operating alongside high runner product lines.
Our Blender Intensifier gives the ability to mix liquid fats efficiently, while single stage mixing within the IBC delivers a faster blend cycle.
Working with bakery manufacturers
The food sector faces many challenges with recipe changes and ever-increasing product portfolios, ethnic demands, allergens and more stringent regulations. By applying our ‘Lean’ principles and IBC technology to handle and process your bakery powder ingredients, you can transform how you manufacture your products and reap the benefits of Make to Order production and reduced inventory.
We achieve this by "decoupling" the manufacturing processes, allowing efficient "parallel processing" - several processing steps taking place in parallel rather than sequentially.
Matcon's IBC Mixer with intensifier mixing technology provides manufacturers with the capability to extend their bakery product ranges. With reduced cleaning downtime during recipe changeovers, products can be produced with much greater efficiency.
The unique Cone Valve inside each IBC helps to promote the flow of the more sticky, cohesive mixes.
Our IBC powder handling systems for bakery manufacturers can also be integrated with existing equipment to optimize production flow and create a system that fully meets your needs.
Powder Handling Systems for Bakery Manufacturing
This simple system is all you need to get started the right way. By decoupling the processing steps we enable companies to achieve a flexible manufacturing system.
The Matcon system is based on using Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) to transport powders between manufacturing steps and as a blending vessel. Because everything is contained within the IBC, there is no clean-down of the blender between recipe changes, which gives you the ultimate flexibility of operation.
Resources and Information
Equipment guidance and useful information for bakery manufacturers.